Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Does anyone think BET was wrong for covering the DNC but not the RNC?

BET doesn't care who Obama is opposing, or that other persons view. It doesn't give a comparison. They only want you to know about Obama. Equal or fair? No, not at all. I think it insults their audience.

Is Sarah Palin wrong to state Barack Obama would be incapable of meeting U.S. national security challenges? ?

Geeze, this is someone who thinks being able to see a remote Russian isalnd from an Alaskan Eskimo village counts as international experience.

How do i contact facebook? i have some problem with my account?

It says Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here. Please Help

Is Santino Marella's broken English accent real (not as exaggerated as is on TV) or fake?

He IS Italian - but was raised Canadian....I think he may have developed a small trace of his TV Accent

Best bits for drills?

What kind of drill bits should I get so they last? The ones that come with drills strip and break easily. I'd pay more for screwdriver and other types of bits if I knew they would last more than 3 months. Any suggestions?

How do you make a compost?

My mom wants to make one so we can use it for the garden but i am not sure how or where to start even to make one!

My period is late?

well i got my period last year for the first time and its been pretty regualr since then. then it was on like may 12th i got it. aand that was the last time since then i havnt had it since may 12th. i know im not pregnant because im not ually active. i dont know whats wrong please help.